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Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle
Fig and Flora Candle

Fig and Flora Candle


Indulge in the crisp, sun-dappled allure of a new day with our Fig & Flora scented candle. Awaken your senses as top notes of green floral and fresh leaves dance gracefully with the lightness of airy ozone, creating an invigorating symphony of scents that mirrors the essence of a sunlit morning.

At the heart of this refreshing fragrance lies the enchanting blend of sweet fig and delicate jasmine. These exquisite notes intertwine, weaving a tapestry of floral elegance that captures the spirit of spring and summer. An earthy embrace of moss and wood anchors the fragrance, imparting a grounding quality that resonates with the natural world.

The allure of Fig & Flora is further enhanced by the subtle touch of light musk, harmonizing with the floral accords to provide a soft, balanced finish. This candle fragrance is a celebration of nature's beauty.

Whether you need a pick-me-up or simply want to evoke the invigorating feelings of spring and summer all year long, Fig & Flora soap is the perfect choice.